CLICK HERE to view all RECENT Services from St. Basil’s Church on YouTube channel.
Live Video Streaming & Recordings from
St Basil’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Bilingual Sunday Divine Liturgy. August 16th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S4VYL8GOuQ
Vespers. June 13.
Live-streaming and Posted Events from our church
The Archbishop of Winnipeg, Metropolitan Lawrence is going to celebrate the Divine Liturgy this Sunday(Palm Sunday) at Saint Basil’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. The live stream will start at 9:55 AM on April 5th, 2020
Rosary (April 2nd 2020)
Presanctified Divine Liturgy (April 1st 2020)
2nd Message from Fr. Ihor
Metropolitan March 29 2020: entire Divine Liturgy
From the Sagrato of St Peter’s Basilica, Moment of Prayer and the Urbi et Orbi Blessing, presided over by Pope Francis
Day 5: God’s Call to the Promised Land: The Story of Abraham This week’s Great Retreat Online concludes with the story of Abraham’s call from the Book of Genesis. God’s call is not always easy to follow nor His plan easy to understand. Abraham shows us how to trust and have hope in the future.
Day 4: Who needs God? The lesson of the Tower of Babel On the fourth Thursday of Lent we read in the Book of Genesis about the Tower of Babel. What happens when humans think we rule the world? Find out some of what the Scriptures and the Church has to say about this.
Day 3: Noah’s Nakedness: Caring for those in need Continuing with the reading of the Book of Genesis at Vespers, we hear about Noah in his old age and how his children cared for him. In today’s context, we are called to care for the elderly, the poor, and those in need, remembering Christ’s example of the Good Samaritan
Divine Liturgy in our church on
the Feast of Annunciation in English. Divine Liturgy starts on 6th minute
God’s Covenant with Noah: Remembering beauty of creation and the setting of the sun every evening
Noah in the Ark: Foreshadowing the community gathered in the Church. Great Lent Retreat Online
Message from father Ihor
Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Lawrence this Sunday (March 22) at 10:30 AM will be available here:
Don’t forget that there are two links to websites in the Ukraine. These will be found on our “Other Links” Page. This might be of interest to you in regards to what is happening within our Church in our Ancestral home.